Word Basket

Introduction Word Basket


Here is a word basket. Today we are going to learn words with ‘u’ sound in it. Let’s see which these words are. 1) bus 2) cup 3) sun 4) hut 5) rug you can see that ‘u’ has ‘अ’ sound in these words. Here you have to read the words and match them with their relevant pictures. Well done! Let’s learn some more words with sound in it. 1)bun 2)fun 3)gun 4)mud 5)run 6)sun 7)hut 8)nut 9)bud 10)bus 11)mug 12)cup Now, you have to find the rhyming words from the given group of words. bag, cut, pin, nut. Which are the rhyming words in this group?