Chasing the sea Monster Go Back Difficult words with their meanings views 4:53 difficult words with their meanings. 1. Fearsome – scary, frightening. 2. Crew – people working on the ship. 3. Mimicked – imitated. 4. Tremendous – very big. 5. Peering – looking for. 6. Cetaceans – marine animal like a whale. 7. Lurking – hiding. 8. On the alert – ready, on the lookout. 9. Whaling gear – equipment used to hunt whales. 10. Harpoons – a long sharp weapon. 11. Pierce it – penetrate or go into or through (something) 12. Emerged – came out. 13. Sail full steam – sail at full speed. 14. Steal off – move away. 15. Mate – assistant. 16. Cannoneer – a sailer who fired a cannon. 17. Armour – metal covering. 18. Weariness – extreme tiredness. 19. Profound – deep. 20. Brandishing – moving to and fro. 21. Torrent – huge speedy stream of water. 22. Hurled – thrown. 23. Frigate - small, speedy ship used in war 24. Unearthly - strange, not like those found on earth 25. Stunned – shocked. 26. Mute - unable to speak. 27. Luminous - bright, full of light. Introduction Continue Difficult words with their meanings Activity Important instructions from the chart Opposite words