The Magic Herb Go Back Activity views 3:20 Now I want you all to describe the merchant and the innkeeper and his wife using your imagination. The merchant is a simple guy. He is a small merchant with very less merchandise. He is poor and tired. He spends all day in the market selling his goods but is not very fortunate to earn good income. He has very less energy left. His shoes are worn out. He cannot afford to keep a servant to help him to carry his load. The innkeeper is a greedy man. He likes to entertain only those who are wealthy. He shows that he can do anything to fulfill his greed. He can use different ways to get money. He decides to cheat his customer with the help of his magic herb. But he is looser in the end. She is a greedy woman. Same as her husband. She can go out of the way to get money. She helps her husband in his magic tricks. She helps her husband instead of stopping him from doing wrong. Introduction and Explanation Explain story part 2 Activity for students Activity Activity Explain about tense