A letter from Hingoli Go Back Activity of Question 2,3,4 views 4:44 Raman has mentioned many activities in his village. So tell me which were those activities?• Enjoyed swimming in the river Manjra.• Played with Tejas & Avadhoot on the banks of Manjara.• Went on long walks through the Balaghat Hills.• Read the bound volumes of Kishor, Champak & Kumar. Now Children can you list some of your activities when you visit your village? list your favorite books or stories. Shyamchi Aai, Gotya, Tin- Tin, Tenali Rama, Akbar & Birbal, Vikaram betal, Gulliver’s Travels, Sindabad the Sailer, Beauty & Beast, Robin Hood, Faster Fene. Introduction & activity question 1 Activity of Question 2,3,4 Activity of Question 5th and 6th Activity of Question 7,8,9