The House Builder

Homophones make simple sentence


Teacher: Children now with the help of homophones make simple sentence to show the difference in their meanings.Tea: Knew- new Stu: I knew that I am going to pass in the exam. Stu: My brother bought a new dress for me.Tea: Sea-see Stu: The sea water is salty. Stu: I can see a beautiful bird on the tree.Tea: Won-one Stu: We won the match Stu: I have one pair of shoes.Tea: Week-weak Stu: I spent a week with my friend in his village. The child is too weak.Teacher: Well done! Children, today we are going to learn ‘Syllable’s. A syllable is a single, unbroken sound of a spoken (or written) word. Syllables usually contain a vowel and accompanying consonants. Sometimes syllables are referred to as the ‘beats’ of spoken language. A word can be broken up into units of pronunciation, each having one vowel sound (with or without consonant sounds around it) For example : to, got, will, see etc. have just one syllable. fa-ther, ma-son, buil-der have two syllables. en-gi-neer, car-pen-ter, cons-truc-tion etc. have three syllables.