
Find synonyms of the given words


Children now find synonyms of the given words from the poem. Tea: injury – Stu: bruises, Tea: delicate – Stu: tender, Tea: ache – Stu: Pain, Tea: embarrass – Stu: mortify, Tea: cured – Stu: healed. Tea: Good! Now find Antonyms for the given words from the poem. 1. Forget x remember 2. Flat/Straight x Slant 3. Make x break 4.Rise x Fall 5. Outside x inside. Tea: Good! Now find the rhyme scheme used in the poem. Student: - Stanza – 1 rhyme scheme abcb Stanza – 2 rhyme scheme abcb, which means the second line rhymes with the fourth line. Stanza 2 – rhyme scheme abab, which means that the first line rhymes with the third line and the second line rhymes with the fourth one. Stanza 3 – The rhyme scheme is again abcb which means the second line rhymes with the fourth line like the first stanza. Teacher: Let’s discuss some more aspects of the poem.