Baby Pangolin’s Night out

Language Study


Children now let’s do some language study. Today we will learn about ‘subject’ and object, in the sentences what is a subject? A word or phrase that shows who or what does/ did the action. (Stated by the verb) is called a subject. for example. 1. She began to devour the termite. : In this sentence the action is done by ‘she’ so it is the subject. 2. Baby watched the mother. In this sentence the action of watching is done by Baby so Baby is the subject.Note that non-living things can also be the subject, for example ‘The ball hit the window’ here the ‘ball’ is the subject. Now let’s study ‘object’. A word or phrase that refers to the person, things etc affected by the action of the verb is known as object. For example. 1. She began to devour the termites. Here termites is the object. 2. Baby watched mother – Mother – object.