Story of tea.

Activity of difficult words.


Children tell me the meaning of some of the difficult words. Teacher Q Student A Infusion Infusion means a liquid obtained by boiling things in water. restorative restorative means a things that restores health. inscriptions inscriptions means a things inscribed. radicals Here, radicals are chemicals produced in our body. connoisseurs connoisseurs means an expert judge in matter of taste. Teacher: Well done children! Can you tell what is the difference between legend or stories and history and difference between claim and fact? Student: History is the study of the past based on real facts and evidence where as a story is an account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment. Student: Ma’am I can tell the different between claim and fact. Fact is something which has actually happened and claim is a representation of doing or achieving something by oneself. Teacher: Very good. Now it’s time for language study. Do you know, what is a compound word? When two words come together to form a new word, the new word is called a compound word. For example evergreen is the combination of two words that is ‘ever’ and ‘green’ blood ‘pressure’ is the combination of two words ‘blood’ and ‘pressure’. Some compound words are written as one word. eg.(teapot). Some with a hyphen between them e.g. (tea – making) and some as two separate words e.g. (tea club). Find all the words or pairs of words that begin with ‘tea’ from the passage.