
Activity of adjective words


So children can you tell me what adjective words are used to show- shapes, size, temperature? Student: Yes ma’am! I will tell words used to show the shapes: square and round. Student: Ma’am I will tell words that describe size, they are Big and small, tall and short. Student: Ma’am I will try my luck with temperature. Words that are used to describe temperature are dry, wet, cool, and warm. Teacher: Well done. So children remember one thing. When we compare two things they must have at least one common feature. For example when we compare a spaceship and a snail, we consider their speed. So can you think of any common feature when you try to find opposites in the poem? Student: In the two lines ‘Fierce as a tiger, gentle as a lamb’ we consider their is nature In the two lines ‘Sour as a lemon, sweet as jam’ we consider their tastes. In the two lines ‘Hard as a rock, soft as a mitten’ we consider their quality of touch. In the two lines Tall as a giant, short as an elf’ we consider their appearances.