Trees are the Kindest Things I Know

Rhyming words


Teacher: Try to find rhyming words for the given words from the poem. 1) Fun – Sun, begun 2) No – ago 3) Now – cow 4) Sight – light, night 5) Fly – Sky, lullaby.Teacher: children, in the poem There are lines in this poem which create a picture in your mind e.g. and in the spring, new buds of green. Try to find as many lines like this as you can.Student: 1) And spread a shade for sleepy cows 2) And gather birds among their boughs 3) and wood to make our houses of 4) and leaves to burn on Halloween 5) And when a moon floats on the sky.Teacher: Very good! The poet refers to trees as the kindest things. Pick out 5 facts which prove the kindness of trees towards others.Student: 1) Trees do not harm anyone. 2) They spread a shade for cows. 3) They give their branches to birds to sit. 4) They give us fruits. 5) They give us wood to build our house Teacher: well done! Now let’s find the describing words for the given words.Student: 1) Sleepy cows, 2) green new buds 3) morning sun 4) drowsy lullaby 5) Kindest trees.Teachers: Good!