Androcles and the Lion.

Revise some Antonyms


Teacher: Children now we will revise some Antonyms. Tea: 1)Kind × unkind 2)slave × master 3)punishment × reward 4) tender × hard 5)poor × rich 6) high × low 7) unbound ×bound 8) happy × sad Teacher: Very good! Now you have to find 5 words that describe the sound made by the lion from the story. Student: growled, roared, moaned, whimpered, roaring Teacher: correct! children, now you have to tell the reactions that followed each of the actions: 1) Androcles did not like his cruel master, so he escaped from the clutches of his cruel master.2) The lion looked at Androcles piteously, so he moved very cautiously towards the lion, step by step.3) Androcles bandaged the lion’s injured paw, and the lion licked his arm, as if to show gratitude. 4) A hungry furious lion was released into the area, and Androcles felt weak and dismayed.5) The lion reached Androcles and began to purr and rub its nose against him.6) The emperor asked Androcles what other reward he would like, Androcles asked to set the lion free.Teacher: Well done! Now you will try to speak few lines on some points. 1) Tea: The condition of slaves in ancient Rome: Stu: Condition of slaves in ancient Rome was miserable. They were treated very badly; they did not have any rights. They had to do whatever their master ordered them to do and if any of the slaves did some crime he was given severe punishment