Miss Slippery

Story part 2


Story part 2: The bell had already rung when I reached the school. The teacher was in the classroom. I sought permission to enter. The teacher wore a frown on her face, but she let me enter and told me to see her in the teacher’s room, after the class. Her tone was not of annoyance or anger. Yet an unknown fear made me nervous. Reassuring myself that she was a kind- hearted teacher and would not punish me, I reached the teacher’s room with hesitant steps. The teacher greeted me with a smile and asked me to sit by her side. Her tender tone turned my sighs into sobs. She pulled her chair close to mine and patting me on the head, said, “What makes you cry, my child? I haven’t said a word to you.” After a brief pause, she continued, “Tell me what your problem is. Confide in me for am I not like a sister to you?’’ A rare thrill ran through my entire frame. For a movement I felt I should cling to her and cry and cry. Of course, I did not do so, but I kept gazing at her with tearful eyes. Tenderly, teacher continued, “Do you know the meaning of didi? It means elder sister. Won’t you tell your sister your troubles? “Amid sobs I said, “The girls keep teasing me.” She laughed, “Why are you scared of them? If you cry like this, they will pester you all the more. So ignore them. Who is your friend?” I shook my head and teacher smiled. It seemed the teacher had poured her smile into my eyes. “Like to be my friend?” she said.