The Worth of Fabric. Go Back Introduction and Explanation views 4:1 Today we will read a lesson named “The Worth of Fabric.”There are a number of saint poets in the history of our country. They gave good teaching of values for society. Thiruvalluvar was a great Tamil saint poet, who lived more than two thousands year ago. His book ‘Thirukkural’ is greatly loved and respected even today. He was a fabric weaver. Thiruvalluvar was a textile weaver who wove beautiful fabrics & sold them in the market. People said that he never lost his temper. In the same town there was a young man who was very rich and made fun of other people. One day he tried to make thiruvalluvar angry. Thiruvalluvar wove beautiful fabrics. So this young man went to valluvar’s shop and picked a beautiful fabric and tore it into two pieces. He asked valluvar its price. Instead of getting angry he told his half price 4 coins. Then the young man again made two pieces of the fabric again and again.But Thiruvalluvar calmly went on reducing the price by half every time. At last fabric was reduced to rays. So valluvar told that fabric became worthless so it had no price.Thiruvalluvar’s words opened young man’s eyes. He learnt a lesson and gave up his bad habits and idleness forever. Introduction and Explanation Activity Translation in marathi Explanation