Androcles and the Lion.

Auxiliary verbs


Teacher: Children now let’s revise Auxiliary verbs.Verbs that help to form tenses, mood and voice are called Auxiliary verbs. (Helping verbs) e.g be, can, may, will etc. The three most common auxiliary verbs, which can stand alone in a sentence, are forms of ‘be’ ‘do’ and ‘have’. They are called Primary Auxiliaries e.g 1) She is a student of class 8 2) He does his work well 3) I have a cold. Forms of ‘Be’ – are, is, are, was, were, will / shall be Forms of ‘Do’ – do, do, did, and done.Forms of ‘Have’ - have, has, and had. There are other auxiliary verbs which do not stand alone in a sentence. They accompany main (Action) Verb.These are called ‘modal auxiliary verbs’ (modals) They are: can, could, shall, should, will, would, must, may, might, need, ought to. .e.g. – 1) He can work hard 2) He will work hard. 3) He must work hard.