The fun they had

Question answer session


Teacher : Children let’s do a question answer session from the lesson. Tell me when does the story take place? Students:- The story takes place in future on 17th may 2157.Teacher:- Good ! What does Margie mean by ‘a real book’ Stus:- According to Margie a real book means a book which had pages with words printed on it.Teacher:- Correct ! Margie uses a diary what would it be like? Students:- It would be a telebook or computer monitor where she must be typing what she wants to write.Teacher:- Good ! What do we understand by the words ‘took the teacher apart’? Students:- It means the mechanical teacher was opened to find the fault as we do with our computers when here is something wrong.Teacher:- okay ! Which part of the Machine Margie hate the most? Students:- The part Margie hated most was the slot where she had to put homework and test papers.Teacher:- Tell me what fault did the inspector repair? Students:- The geography sector was geared a little too quick. So he slowed it up to an average ten year level. This fault was repaired by the inspector.