A Heroine Of the sea

Word play game


Let’s play a word play game. Word Ladder is a word game. (page no. 52) • Players can get a starting word and an ending word. • Starting and ending words must be of the same length. • Players can change one letter at a time, attempting to move from the starting word to the ending word. • Each intermediate step must be a valid word and no proper nouns allowed! See the following word chain – (1) HARD to EASY : hard - hare - care - cart - cast - east - easy (2) Taking a pig to a sty. Pig - wig - wag - way - say – sty Now let’s try some more. Tea: CAT to DOG Stu: cat -hat-hot-hog-dog. Tea: Cold to heat. Stu: cold-hold-held-head-heat. Tea: MAN to APE Stu: man-map-ape Tea: TEA to POT Stu: Tea – Pea- pet- pot. Tea: Good! Same way we can play word chain game. First let me explain you Word chain: word chain is a word game that begins with the letter that the previous word ended with. Activity: Ask the participants to sit/stand in a circle and explain the rules of the game. Give any word/topic/theme of the word chain. For example: Theme:(1) Noun (2) Adjectives (3) Verbs (4) in general