Walk a little slower

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Teacher:- Students let’s discuss some important topics and write summary in the form of bullet points. 1) How are certain ideas or customs or knowledge passed on from one generation to the next generation? Students:-  It can be passed from books.  It can be passed by following them  It can be passed by discussing about them  It can be passed by talking to our next generation about it. Teacher:- Is it necessary for children to follow the footsteps of their fore fathers? If yes, why? Why is it sometimes necessary to change the old ways? Students:- We should follow the footsteps of our forefathers only if, they are beneficial. It is important to follow the good practices set by them. But as the time changes certain things become outdated. We should give up these outdated customs in the due course of time. We should not follow the old superstitions. As the science progresses we understand the reasons behind many things. For example, today we know how the eclipse is caused. So we need not follow all the taboos set by our forefathers which were to be observed on the day of eclipse.